Essays - Vegetarianism, Environmentalism, Animal Rights
- The Iron Cage of Movement Bureaucracy
- My Dog or Your Child? Ethical Dilemmas and the Hierarchy of Moral Value
- The New Abolitionism: Capitalism, Slavery and Animal Liberation
- Banned in the UK! The Home Office Says "Stay Home" to U.S. Animal Rights Activists
- Trial By Fire: The SHAC7 and the Future of Democracy
- Legally Blind: The Case For Granting Animals Rights
- Thinking Pluralistically
- Paul Watson and the Sea Shepard Conservation Society
- Defining Terrorism
- Animal Rights and the New Enlightenment
- Barbarism in the Afternoon: Bullfighting, Violence, and the Crisis in Human Identity
- Vaya Con Dios: A Quest For Vegan Food In Spain
- The Fresno Frenzy: Invasion of the ALF and ELF
- Neo-McCarthyism, the Patriot Act, and the New Surveillance Culture
- It's War! The Escalating Battle between Activists and the Corporate-State Complex
- The Son of Patriot Act and the Revenge on Democracy
- Common Natures, Shared Fates: Towards an Interspecies Alliance Politics
- Zoos and the End of Nature
- Mountains of Misery: Hoof-and-Mouth Disease Resurfaces in Europe
- Planet of the Apes: Where Humans are Slaves
- Where Humans Survive and Animals Die
- Minding the Animals
- Farmaggedon, Frankenfoods, and the FDA
- Cows, Cannibalism, Capitalism, and Coverup: The Politics and Economics of Mad Cow Disease
- Gandhi: On The Path To Vegetarianism
- Vegans: Space Aliens or Compassionate Earthlings?
- The Coming Crisis: Environmental Disaster, The Global Meat Culture, And Your Health
- The Killing Fields of South Africa: Eco Wars, Species Apartheid, and Total Liberation
- Rethinking Revolution: Animal Liberation, Human Liberation, and the Future of the Left
- Genetic Science, Animal Exploitation, and the Challenge for Democracy
- The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act : New, Improved, and ACLU Approved
- Dispatches from a Police State: Animal Rights in the Crosshairs of State Repression
- Clearcutting Green Activists: The FBI Escalates the War on Dissent
- HSUS Crosses the Line
- Animals Like Us: The Search for a Species Identity
Essays - Philosophy, Ecology, Social Theory
Reviews of Dr. Best's Books
Social Thought/Free Speech
Translated: Il Mito Della Liberta' Di Parola (Italian)
Book Reviews by Dr. Best
- (*NEW*) Gaps in Logic, Lapses in Politics: Rights and Abolitionism in Joan Dunayer's Speciesism
- When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals by Jeffrey Masson and Susan McCarthy, 1995
- Animal Experimentation: A Harvest of Shame by Moneim A. Fadali, M.D., 1996
- Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, and Inhumane Treatment Inside the U.S. Meat Industry by Gail. E. Eisnitz, 1997
- Ethics Into Action: Henry Spira and the Animal Rights Movement by Peter Singer, 1998
- Veganism in a Nutshell: by Bruce Friedrich, 2002
- The New Earth Reader: The Best of Terra Nova Eds. David Rothenberg and Marta Ulvaeus
- Ecological Prospects: Scientific, Religious, and Aesthetic Perspectives Ed. Christopher Key Chapple, 1994
- Tom Athanasiou, Divided Planet: The Ecology of Rich and Poor, 1996 Allen Hammond, Which World? Scenarios for the 21st Century: Global Destinies, Regional Choices, 1998
- Peter C. Van Wyck, Primitives in the Wilderness: Deep Ecology and the Missing Human Subject, 1997 Timothy W. Luke, Ecocritique: Contesting the Politics of Nature,Economy, and Culture, 1997
- Sandra Harding, Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialism, Feminism, and Epistemologies. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1998.
- David Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, 1989
- Richard Wolin, The Terms of Cultural Criticism, 1992
- Charles Patterson, Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust
- Norm Phelps, The Longest Struggle: Animal Advocacy from Pythagoras to PETA